Monday, February 15, 2010

The beloved

Truly, I behold you now.
The curtain is withdrawn.
Kundalini rising, Prana, Light of Truth, Bliss.
Truly I behold you now.

I call you my constant companion, even as I remember how often I feel abandoned. It is you, oh energy of God, that fills my form and dances in me, and while you are here I am in bliss. Every thought bliss, all possibility  present, genius,creativity, freedom.

How can I love that which is so vague and elusive?
Oh! To feel it is to know the meaning of who we are.
It is to know how truly deep our love goes.

The air grows thick and saturated with presence.
Separation fades away.
 The vision softens, the ears listen more intently
 Oh sweet bliss: the crystal pure fragrance of bliss.

All ecstatic, like a lovers embrace.

Then, it is gone
 like the falling tide
and I am a gopi looking for my dear Krishna.

Was it a dream? Was it real?

Only the indellible mark left by the tide remains.
 I search for faint signs like a bent blade of grass
 or stain of cool water high on the branches of trees.
I hold onto these sweet memories.
I hold on.

Till you return.  

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