Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The Natural Way

Yet again I am reminded of the TRUTH: my true nature is sat chit ananda (Existence Consciousness Bliss). Looking for answers in the world of form is like trying to touch images on a movie screen. It is like looking in the wrong place. The solution cannot be found. What is found is always relative and subject to changing and drifting and shifting. We might find peace for a moment or a day or a year, but the dance of Maya will go on and on. Flowing with the dance and making choices is a joyous part of life, but the real solution, the real final truth, the final magical and definite answer, is that the only dependable, stable, solid, lasting, durable thing we have is the truth of our nature: sat chit ananda.

So we have again the great division of the one. The one truth is sat chit ananda. There is no need to challenge this. It is what it is. Meanwhile, the dance of Maya is unfolding and moving within the one. We may not have “chosen” to be born, but we have a choice about how we are going to flow with the dance. This is the level of figuring out the details of what our intention is, and what we want to do with our lives, and how do we respond to the many issues that arise in this human life. We are multi-dimensional beings. We are microcosms of the entire universe.

So the "inner" world can be at peace, completely free, resting with assurance in the reality that our ultimate nature is pure and stable: sat chit ananda, and at the same time our "outer" world can be a tumultuous chaotic mess, always shifting and changing.

This paradox of balance and chaos is expressed in the Bhagavad Gita as equanimity.


Monday, February 22, 2010

The waves are calling me

The waves are calling me

Towering, emmense, cushing
and then...
calm and sultry
and warm...

I can feel the sun on my skin
and the slow rocking of the boat

The mystical sensation pours over me
moving through my body

It is calling me...

To the sea!

To the sea!

It is calling me.

Someday I would like to write to you about my adventures aboard Luna in the Channel Islands. I spent 6 weeks sailing there with the company of friends at times and also alone. The many days I spent alone were some of the most magical times of my entire life. Alone on the sea, and at the islands has to be, without a doubt, the most sublime experience!

Of course it was horrid at times: when my hands felt like meat hooks from hour after hour of trimming sails and holding on during windy passages, and when my whole body ached from lack of sleep and exhaustion.

But when the sun was shining and the weather was calm. I would go ashore and meditate on the beach, listening to the sound of the waves. So sweet to sit and wonder at the mystery of living. What power is such that it can create islands and waves and sea shores? What wonderful blessing to be able to breathe and move and dream! To dream! What a blessing to be able to penetrate to the very core of what it means to exist!

Monday, February 15, 2010

The beloved

Truly, I behold you now.
The curtain is withdrawn.
Kundalini rising, Prana, Light of Truth, Bliss.
Truly I behold you now.

I call you my constant companion, even as I remember how often I feel abandoned. It is you, oh energy of God, that fills my form and dances in me, and while you are here I am in bliss. Every thought bliss, all possibility  present, genius,creativity, freedom.

How can I love that which is so vague and elusive?
Oh! To feel it is to know the meaning of who we are.
It is to know how truly deep our love goes.

The air grows thick and saturated with presence.
Separation fades away.
 The vision softens, the ears listen more intently
 Oh sweet bliss: the crystal pure fragrance of bliss.

All ecstatic, like a lovers embrace.

Then, it is gone
 like the falling tide
and I am a gopi looking for my dear Krishna.

Was it a dream? Was it real?

Only the indellible mark left by the tide remains.
 I search for faint signs like a bent blade of grass
 or stain of cool water high on the branches of trees.
I hold onto these sweet memories.
I hold on.

Till you return.  

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Emerging light

Today, I look back upon the passage of life through a long lens. I see my life as a small fragment of what has come before me and what will come after me.

The image above is a spiral carved into a rock at the Prana Festival. The spiral is a symbol that continues to reveal itself to me on my journey. It represents the movement of the cosmos from cycles to progressive evolution and change. It represents the cosmic movement of masculine and feminine, yang and yin. Always we seem to return to the same place with each passing day, or year, waking up in the same bed, or repeating the same action time and time again. Always the same, yet on some sublime level there is slow change.

With each breath we recreate the entire universal motion, expansion and contraction. With each passing year we move through the seasons of a lifetime. The spiral is ever new as it twirls and dances across time and space. It is a symbol of renewal and hope. In the spiral is infinte possibility, infinte time, and infinite space.  

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The present moment

The present moment passes by, whether gently or forcefully,
ever passing, ever passing by...

I am breathing... in this day...
ever passing, ever passing by...

I am becoming... throughout this lifetime...
ever passing, ever passing by...

I am dreaming... of this identity...
ever passing, ever passing by...

I am being... this thing called life...
ever passing, ever passing by...

I am... that which never changes...
ever passing, ever passing by...

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