Saturday, February 6, 2010

Emerging light

Today, I look back upon the passage of life through a long lens. I see my life as a small fragment of what has come before me and what will come after me.

The image above is a spiral carved into a rock at the Prana Festival. The spiral is a symbol that continues to reveal itself to me on my journey. It represents the movement of the cosmos from cycles to progressive evolution and change. It represents the cosmic movement of masculine and feminine, yang and yin. Always we seem to return to the same place with each passing day, or year, waking up in the same bed, or repeating the same action time and time again. Always the same, yet on some sublime level there is slow change.

With each breath we recreate the entire universal motion, expansion and contraction. With each passing year we move through the seasons of a lifetime. The spiral is ever new as it twirls and dances across time and space. It is a symbol of renewal and hope. In the spiral is infinte possibility, infinte time, and infinite space.  

1 comment:

  1. Terry,

    I loved this interpretation of the spiral. It reminded me of the moment of Siddharta's enlightment in Hesse's novel when he puts his foot in the river and realizes that it is always changing yet remains the same river. You have the gift of poetic description. Thanks for sharing it.



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