So we have again the great division of the one. The one truth is sat chit ananda. There is no need to challenge this. It is what it is. Meanwhile, the dance of Maya is unfolding and moving within the one. We may not have “chosen” to be born, but we have a choice about how we are going to flow with the dance. This is the level of figuring out the details of what our intention is, and what we want to do with our lives, and how do we respond to the many issues that arise in this human life. We are multi-dimensional beings. We are microcosms of the entire universe.
So the "inner" world can be at peace, completely free, resting with assurance in the reality that our ultimate nature is pure and stable: sat chit ananda, and at the same time our "outer" world can be a tumultuous chaotic mess, always shifting and changing.
This paradox of balance and chaos is expressed in the Bhagavad Gita as equanimity.