Saturday, March 20, 2010

Essence Design

This picture is a 3D rendering of a landscape design that I put together for a client. You can click on the picture to see a larger version. It has been really interesting working with them as I get a chance to develop skills and learn about landscape design and installation.
I should find out soon if I have been accepted to the Masters Degree Program in City and Regional Planning. If I am I might be off following another passion of mine in sustainable design. Here are a few excepts from the statement of purpose that I put together for the application. It explains a bit about my interest in sustainable design:

The possibility of transforming the world through sustainable design has intrigued me for many years. I pursued the application of this idea through extensive study and experience in organic agriculture, alternative building techniques, and community living. As my experience with these systems expanded I came to realize that on a deeper level all issues can be resolved from a design perspective. A further exploration of the source of problems revealed that the decision making process and world view of the individual can have a big impact on the outcome. The opportunity to undertake the MCRP Program will serve to further my understanding of the relationship between design and quality of life in the built environment.

My career goal is to help people live better through the design of sustainable systems such as farms, neighborhoods, urban areas, and private enterprise. In the future I see myself working on projects that are on the ground with hands-on design components such as scale, aesthetics, and relationships. These projects would include ecological, agricultural or production elements; financial elements such as business planning and budgets; organizational components such as management and management structures; and social and relational components.

That was quick and dirty summary of my interest in sustainable design. On a related note, it has been quite interesting to integrate the work from the spirituality perspective with that of sustainability. There is definately some confluence of ideas here that is pretty interesting. It seems to me that many of the principles of spirituality can also be applied to sustainability.

Is Organic more spiritual than conventional?

Do you agree,or disagree? That question should raise some hairs!@? It seems so interesting to think about what motivates people to 'go green'. Is it just a trend, or is it essential to our survival? From the perspective of environmental degredation and resource depletion it sure seems innevitable that at some point we must
change in a way that is compatible with nature. This compatibility factor seems to be what sustainability really boils down to. A fancy way to describe it would be 'Harmony'.

So back to living the dream in the here and now. To turn the dream into reality I have started a consultation practice in the areas mentioned above. So far a few projects have been keeping me plenty busy, so God willing, and with a little luck the list of clients and projects will begin to expand. If you have any contacts or ideas in mind please let me know!

I have named my consultation practice:

Essence Design

1 comment:

  1. Hey Terry
    Great to read about your career goals. i met you in SLO at the coffee shop. You wrote a poem and posted it. It was fine. My recent ex-girlfriend is a landscape architect and I greatly honor the work that profession does to beautify the space of earth that mankind occupies officially. Best of luck and check my blog at

    RAN RHino



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